Saturday, July 27, 2013

Difficult Audit Customer : No Problem !

During my long career in external and internal audit ,I have always managed to handle all types of audit customers: the easy going ones and the difficult ! My experience covers many countries and many cultures .My secret is very simple , I follow these steps:

1. Know the person :

Before starting and audit assignment ,invest some time to learn about the key person you will be dealing with .Know about his/her educational background , career history ,family status, interests  ..etc.

2. Find a common interest :

There must be something in common  to talk about between you and the person you will be dealing with .It could be family values, sports ,travel  or any other areas of interest .Use this as a door opener .I encourage you to spend few minutes talking about it when you first meet with him/her . Word of caution : never discuss politics or religion and if the subject is raised be neutral !
 People are different and each one needs a personalized approach .

3. Explain why you are performing the Audit :

Always explain the objectives of the audit in advance and what you expect to achieve . You have to send a clear message that you are doing what you are hired to do and that in the process you wish that it will be a mutually beneficial and enjoyable experience !

4. Be Professional & Patient :

No matter how difficult the audit customer is ,always behave in a professional manner and be patient .Your professionalism will pave the way towards a healthy relationship across the organisation .

And finally ,I am a strong believer of the saying: If there is a will ,there is a way .

My 4 P's for work :


Please share your experience !


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