Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Can Internal Audit Apply Real-Time Quality Assurance?

I have recently attended a KPMG webinar that discussed "Trends and tips for internal controls over financial reporting". The presenter mentioned that the PCAOP is now focusing its reviews of the work of the accounting firms on the system of quality control such firms employe to ensure their audits meet the requirements. In response to this new approach, the presenter said that the accounting firms are improving their quality control process by shifting from "after the fact" to "real-time" quality control.

 In theory, Internal auditors should be applying the "real-time" approach to quality assurance as the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing require that the CAE must develop and maintain a quality assurance and improvement program that covers all aspects of the internal audit activity ( standard 1300). Moreover, standard (1311) calls for internal assessments to include ongoing monitoring of the performance of the internal audit activity.

The interpretation of standard  1311 explains ongoing monitoring as:

"Ongoing monitoring is an integral part of the day-to-day supervision, review, and measurement of the internal audit activity. Ongoing monitoring is incorporated into the routine policies and practices used to manage the internal audit activity and uses processes, tools, and information considered necessary to evaluate conformance with the Code of Ethics and the Standards". 

Do you believe the ongoing monitoring as mentioned above is equivalent to real-time quality control?
In practice, are you really able to apply ongoing monitoring on a daily basis?

Please share your thoughts and experience!

Picture credit:http://foothilllockandkey.com

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