Thursday, February 27, 2014

When The CAE says : This Is Not Part of My Mandate !

I read with interest what the Head of Internal Audit at Nigeria Police Pension Office has said when questioned by a court about missing funds  :

" It is not part of my official mandate to report missing funds to the Auditor General's Office "

While I do not know the details of the case ,and what the  Head of Internal Audit knew or did not know at the time, this case raises the following question :

Have you faced a similar situation ? What did you do ?

Please share your experience and thoughts .

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Executive Perspective on Top Risks for 2014

The results of a risk Survey by Protiviti was the subject of a webinar that I have attended today. The survey covered executives  from different industries with different sizes .According to the survey ,here are the top 10 risks:

 1. Regulatory change and heightened regulatory scrutiny
 2. Economic conditions
 3.Sovereignty risk / political gridlock
 4. Succession challenges
 5. Organic growth
 6 .Cyber threats
 7. Resistance to change
 8. Privacy / security
 9. Financial markets /currencies
10.Health care reform

Is the above list in line with your perspective  as an internal auditor ? If not, how your list of the 10 top risks will look like .

Please share your  thoughts .

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Internal Auditors:What is your marketing Strategy?

Today, I have attended a webinar presented by ISACA entitled:

People-Centric Communications: Marketing Internal Audit & Conflict Management 

 The presenter identified three pillars of internal audit marketing as follows:

1. Consistent Messaging: defining internal audit, focus on objectives and outreach with managers.
2. Continuous Education: Alleviate the fear, Newsletters, Don't use independence as an excuse

     I prefer to re-label this to continuous communication! In fact, the three pillars fall under communication!
3.Transparency: Try not to hide anything post the audit plan

The presenter linked marketing internal audit and conflict together by offering the following explanation :

"With the innate fear of the word audit, conflict naturally arises "
I do not intend to go through the webinar in detail, but rather I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to share your experience with marketing your internal audit services within your organization.

Do you have a structured marketing strategy?  
What worked and did not work?

More importantly, do you think you should have a marketing plan? I am personally, a strong advocate of marketing and promoting internal audits.I like to think that I was successful at this!

Please share your experience .


Are You Ready for the New Global Internal Audit Standards?

  With the Global Internal Audit Standards set to take effect on January 9, 2025, it is crucial that the audit committee is well-prepared an...