Friday, November 24, 2023

Takeaways from my 2023 ethics CPEs

 As you are aware, licensed CIA's are required to take at least two hours of training in the field of ethics. I have just completed mine and I would like to share with you some takeaways:

1. Becoming the everyday ethicist:

This session was presented by Amanda Erven. The one technique I liked about how to achieve this objective is by developing your own personal value statement and code of self-conduct! It is a great idea. I encourage internal auditors to adopt this important step towards becoming an everyday ethicist.

2. Exploring workplace honesty and ethical gray areas:
This session was presented by Christian Miller. I liked his discussion regarding the differences between an honest person and someone who exhibits honest behavior as shown below.

Finally, I came across a white paper by IIA Australia entitled "Why people do not accurately disclose their conflicts of interest". Here is a paragraph from it:

"There are three significant ways in which people withhold information about conflicts of interest:
  1. People do not disclose conflicts of interest
  2. People only partially disclose conflicts of interest
  3. People give misleading disclosures that result in information being hidden

These are referred to in this White Paper as the sides of the ‘Conflict of Interest Bermuda Triangle’. Examining the reasons people do not make full disclosures of conflicts of interest will help us improve disclosure systems and internal controls over conflicts of interest."

Please share your takeaways from your ethics training with the group so we can raise awareness of the importance of ethics in our lives.

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