Sunday, November 13, 2022

Are you getting the most from the ethics mandatory hours?

 Like many of you at this time of year, I have been looking to take the mandatory two hours of ethics training to comply with the IIA cpe  requirements. During the last few years, I attended webinars that did not interest me or added real value to my knowledge. So, this year I looked harder, and I was happy to find some really good free webinars that I have enjoyed attending. In fact, I found so many good webinars and I ended attending more than the required two hours.

One of the webinars was entitled "Why good people do bad things at work" by Andy Felo. The webinar is about the relationship between the "tone at the tope" and the "tune in the middle" and its impact on culture and ethical behavior within the Organization.

Another webinar was entitled "The seven deadly ethical sins of an organization" by Amanda Erven. I have found the definition and discussion of the seven sins engaging and I particularly liked the real-life examples she provided for each sin.

Another interesting webinar discussed an import issue which is bullying and bias in the workplace. The webinar is by Francine Griesing and its title is " Not just for school children: conquering bullying and bias in the workplace". This is such an important issue that should be in the radar of internal auditors.

One last example is a webinar that discussed ethics in this era of technological advancement. It is entitled "The ethical elements of Artificial Intelligence" by Katrina Ingram. This webinar provides a brief history of AI, ethical issues surrounding data, and discusses the principles of an AI ethical framework.   

I encourage you to choose your ethical webinars carefully and make the most out of it.

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