Internal Audit, here is your 2015 horoscope :
- January : It's normal to question why you are still in internal audit ,there is a more rewarding career in your future !
- February :You are still confused about the difference between risk appetite and risk tolerance. Simply put, the former is the amount of food you want to eat when you are hungry (or fasting) , the latter is the maximum amount of food you can eat before you end up in the emergency room ! *
- March : Your CIA certificate is valuable , but consider obtaining a CPA and/or a CISA certificates if you consider a career change in the future .
- April : keep pursing your independence ,but keep in mind that the CEO will always be the boss !
- May :You still don't know the difference between LinkedIn and Facebook. Keep working on your IT and social media skills !
- June: Cyber risk is real. Your spouse will always try to access your data and browsing history.
- July: Quality assessment is not an intellectual luxury. Revisit IIA standards 1300 -1322.
- August : Keep dreaming ,one day you may have a seat at the table !
- September :Integrity and objectivity are your bread and butter ,don't leave home without them.
- October : Being courageous is not a risk, but an opportunity to another career !
- November: Posting 100 tweets and Facebook status updates daily does not improve your communication skills .
- December: Seriously, why did you become an internal auditor ?
The above is my attempt to be humorous ! I hope I have not offended anyone .If I did, please accept my sincere apology.
Although I am not an internal auditor per se, I remain a strong internal audit advocate !
Wishing you all a happy ,healthy and prosperous new year .
*This is not a technical discussion, but rather an over simplification for the purposes of this humorous presentation !